ChackTok是360 Photo Booth的实时媒体艺术品创作和处理软件。 你可以使用ChackTok拍摄一些经过特效预处理的视频、GIF、照片,然后用特效编辑它们。 ChackTok可以通过蓝牙连接360摄影棚。
在制作媒体艺术品时,通过手机或平板电脑控制360摄影棚。 ChackTok还具有创建活动派对的功能,允许参与者使用ChackToks创建活动艺术品,并在活动画廊中分享他们的作品。 ChackTok还可以将其作品分享给其他社交应用程序,让创作和分享艺术品更加方便。
After-sales supporting of 360 photo booth product and the ChackTok App
Customer Service (Please send your requirements to the three emails below at the same time so we can get your feedback and no missing):
Email: / /
For App aftersales Please contact WhatsApp or Phone Call: +1 6284885213 (Catherine)
For Photo booth Aftersales from this Chacktok store Please contact : WhatsApp/Phone NO. +1 6284885213 (Catherine)
We will reply to you within 12 hours.
ChackTok Video Guidance
1.How to Get the 360 Photo Booth Bluetooth Connected with Phone
2.How to connect 360 photo booth with ChackTok?(step by step)
3.How to register your account on ChackTok?(step by step)
4. Artworks Creation using ChackTok (step by step)
5.Artworks Edit&Save
6.Device Binding
7.How to get ChackTok binding with device number for free usage time?(step by step)
8.How to create Party Event with ChackTok APP vip member?
9.How to set up a party event?(step by step)
10.How to create Share Station Event?
11.How to set up a share station event?(step by step)
12.How to create Auto Station Event with ChackTok APP?
13.How to set up a auto station event?(step by step)
14.How to upload your backgroud music?(step by step)
15.How to use Gopro(wireless&wired) and extend TV screen(wireless&wired)?(step by step)
360 Photo Booth Maintenance Video Guidance
1.LED Strip Light Installation and Cutting
2.Wiring on The Motor Controller Connector
3.Motor Replace
4.Foot Cup Installation
5.The Motor Controller by A Flat Screw Driver
6.Squeeze The Bubbles Out of The Sticker
7.Replace Battery of The Remote Controller-ChackTok 360 photo booth Remote Controller battery replace
8.Pairing of The Remote Controller and The Motor Controller by Clicking Buttons on Remote Controller
Contact Us
After sales supporting of 360 photo booth product and ChackTok App
Customer Service :
WhatsApp/Phone NO. +1 6284885213 (Catherine)
+1 6284885213 (Ivy)
We will reply you within 12 hours.